Teachings from the Dufresne family and more! Now streaming on the Dufresne Ministries YouTube channel.

with Nancy Dufresne
Book by Nancy Dufresne now being featured on our
“Jesus the Healer” broadcast.
In Mark 7:24-30, when the Syrophoenician woman requested healing from Jesus for her demon-possessed daughter, Jesus responded by saying, “Let the children first be filled: for it is not meet to take the children’s bread, and to cast it unto the dogs” (verse 27).
We can see in this passage that Jesus called healing “the children’s bread.”
In prayer, Jesus requested the Father, “Give us this day our daily bread” (Matthew 6:11). Jesus taught that it is a daily diet of healing bread that brings and maintains health in believers’ bodies.
With this in mind, this book is brought to you. It contains servings of healing bread spread on the table where the saints of God are fed. It contains daily portions for you to feast on and savor in your thought life throughout the day.
These portions will bring health to a sick body, peace to a tormented mind, and joy to a depressed soul.
Meditate upon these portions all day long. Ponder these truths of God’s Word deeply. Repeat them to yourself throughout the day, and let His medicine do its work in your body. Let each truth soak deeply into your spirit.
Daily Healing Bread from God's Table (Nancy Dufresne)
In Mark 7:24-30, when the Syrophoenician woman requested healing from Jesus for her demon-possessed daughter, Jesus responded by saying, “Let the children first be filled: for it is not meet to take the children’s bread, and to cast it unto the dogs”(verse 27).
We can see in this passage that Jesus called healing “the children’s bread.”
In prayer, Jesus requested the Father, “Give us this day our daily bread” (Matthew 6:11). Jesus taught that it is a daily diet of healing bread that brings and maintains health in believers’ bodies.
With this in mind, this book is brought to you. It contains servings of healing bread spread on the table where the saints of God are fed. It contains daily portions for you to feast on and savor in your thought life throughout the day.
These portions will bring health to a sick body, peace to a tormented mind, and joy to a depressed soul.
Meditate upon these portions all day long. Ponder these truths of God’s Word deeply. Repeat them to yourself throughout the day, and let His medicine do its work in your body. Let each truth soak deeply into your spirit.
The Healer Divine: A Study of the Healings of Jesus (Nancy Dufresne)
Faith isn't faith until it moves ahead without physical proof.God's Word is enough! That's always enough for a person of faith.
Often we are tempted to check our bodies to see if we are healed, but healing doesn't flow from the body, so don't check there. Healing comes from the Word, so check the Word! Believe the Word!
This book is a detailed teaching of the healings that happened under Jesus' earthly ministry. As we study and implement the truths they hold, we will become skillful at receiving healing, as well as ministering it to others.
Confessions of Healing w/ Nancy Dufresne (CD)
Speaking God's Word is how we release the faith that's in our heart! Follow along as Nancy Dufresne leads in confessions for healing.
How To Keep Your Healing (Nancy Dufresne) (CD Series)
3+ hours of audio teaching | Parts 1 - 10
The enemy tries to steal from us everything God has blessed us with — including our healing. We not only need to know how to receive our healing that Jesus purchased for us, but also how to hold fast to that which we have, for the enemy will launch a counterattack against us, trying to bring back old symptoms, pains, and disease. In this series, learn how to skillfully stand your ground against his strategies and enjoy your total victory.
Jesus Longs To Heal (Nancy Dufresne) (CD Series)
Parts 1 - 5
Healing is not a reward, it already belongs to us! In this powerful series, Nancy Dufresne shares how Jesus longs to heal us.

Nancy Dufresne invites you to join her for the 2025 Jesus the Healer Crusades. There will be ministry to the sick as she ministers the Word of God by the power of the Holy Spirit.
MAY 4 - 8
Impact Family Church
16710 NW US Hwy 441
High Springs, FL 32643
(386) 454-1563
DM office: (951) 696-9258, ext. 200
Service Times (EDT):
Sunday, 7 pm
Monday, 10 am & 7 pm
Tuesday, 10 am & 7 pm
Wednesday, 10 am & 7 pm
Thursday, 10 am & 7 pm
Hotel Information:
Holiday Inn Express & Suites Alachua
16367 NW 167th Blvd
Alachua, FL 32615
(386) 518-6777
To book with our group rate, please visit this link: Holiday Inn Express & Suites Alachua, FL
*Group code: JTH. Must book by April 4, 2025, to participate in group rate.
MAY 25 - 29
World Harvest Church of Paducah
3250 Steele Rd.
West Paducah, KY 42086
(270) 442-8949
DM office: (951) 696-9258, ext. 200
Service Times (CDT):
Sunday, 7 pm
Monday, 10 am & 7 pm
Tuesday, 10 am & 7 pm
Wednesday, 10 am & 7 pm
Thursday, 10 am & 7 pm
Hotel Information:
Hampton Inn & Suites Paducah
3901 Coleman Crossing Circle
Paducah, KY 42001
(270) 442-0200
To book with our group rate, please visit this link: Hampton Inn & Suites Paducah
*You may also call the hotel directly and ask for the Dufresne Ministries Block. Must book by May 8, 2025, to participate in group rate.
A Glorious Church
915 N 19th Street
Collinsville, OK 74021
(918) 371-4589
DM office: (951) 696-9258, ext. 200
Service Times (CDT):
Sunday, 7 pm
Monday, 10 am & 7 pm
Tuesday, 10 am & 7 pm
Wednesday, 10 am & 7 pm
Thursday, 10 am & 7 pm
*Hotel information coming soon.
Join us for upcoming events
New Album
“In Your Glory” from Grant Dufresne
Download Digital Album
Nancy Dufresne
A respected author, Nancy Dufresne has written numerous books that instruct believers how to live in the victory that belongs to them. She is known for her simple, clear teaching of God’s Word.
Books by Nancy Dufresne
"For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God" (Rom. 8:14). In this verse, God gives His children the promise that He will lead them by His Spirit, so we have a right to expect to be led. The leading of the Spirit belongs to all of God’s children as a right of sonship.
In this important book, you will learn how to recognize and follow the leading of the Spirit, for when believers learn how to follow the Spirit of God, they can receive the help of God in every arena of life.
God offers you His thoughts – take them! They will transform you! God’s Word is the thoughts of God written down so that you can make them your own. His words lived will reach into your everyday life, transforming it into something spiritual, supernatural, and extraordinary. There’s nothing ordinary about the man who makes God’s thoughts his own, for they will transform him and lift him out of the commonplace and into the supernatural - producing a life that bears much fruit and glorifies God; that man will become one who manifests God’s will everywhere he goes.
The heart of every man longs to experience visitations from God, and for those who are believers, God has provided a way for His children to have ongoing visitations from God. The difficulty is that many Christians don’t recognize their visitations.
Jesus wept over Jerusalem, for they did not recognize their time of visitation. What was that visitation? Who was it for? How can you experience those visitations?
Your life will never be the same as you feast on the revelations in this book, and never again will you miss your Visitations From God.
In April of 2018, Jesus came into my hotel room in St. Petersburg, Russia, and talked to me for an hour about The Price of the “Double Portion” Anointing. I believe this is a revelation that belongs to this era, for it instructs us and gives clarity on how we are to walk successfully in this era.
Although this experience happened to me, it is not only for me — it is for the Body of Christ. It is up to us to receive it for our own lives.
The message in this book instructs those in the ministry, and it also brings instruction to every believer in helping them to fulfill the will of God for their lives.
When God brings increase, He doesn't steal from one arena of your life to increase another arena. When God increases you, every arena of life will increase. Many think that God is only interested in the spiritual life of His children, but He's interested in every arena of your life, including the financial arena. It matters to Him that every want and need of your life be fully supplied.
There is a cure for lack in the life of the Christian, but that cure isn't just money, income, or jobs. We have a sure, everlasting cure that will never run out. What is this cure? In this book, you will learn how rich and unending your supply is from God, and you'll learn how to make it a reality in your everyday life.
In the midst of writing this book, God spoke to me and said, “Make people to know that long life is connected to My plan.”
“...My food (nourishment) is to do the will (pleasure) of Him Who sent Me and to accomplish and completely finish His work” (John 4:34, AMPC). In these words that Jesus spoke, He gives us the key to His success − He stayed with the plan God gave Him to fulfill.
Jesus was letting us know that the “food” for His entire life, what nourished Him, what sustained Him, what supplied Him and fed His daily life, was fulfilling the plan of God for His life.
In this book, you will learn how to know God’s perfect will for your life and how to accomplish that divine plan, so that you may live days of Heaven upon the earth and bear much fruit for the Kingdom of God.
Teachings from Nancy Dufresne

The only thing that makes a man’s life great is the plan of God!
As Kenneth Copeland states, “The will of God is our wealthy place.” Being in the will of God and carrying out His plan enriches every arena of life.
Many struggle to prosper in their finances, in their health, in their marriage, and in their business, but if they would just make it their priority to know and walk out God’s plan by faith, then they would be in position to receive God’s best, for that’s the place where health, prosperity, marriages, businesses, and every arena abound.
Psalm 127:1 instructs us, “Except the LORD build the house, they labour in vain that build it.” We can build something on our own, but if we do, it will be in vain. Instead, we are to get the plan for our life from Him and co-labor with Him in that plan.