Delivered From Sinus Pain & Ear Infection
Mary P. From Idaho
I was watching the 2022 Campmeeting, and there were ministers praying for healing at the end of the service, and they were calling out nerves, cataracts, and things like that. Right when a minister stopped and went on to the next thing, which was food allergies, my left foot moved backward, and the Holy Spirit gently turned me around and laid me sideways back on my bed! I was raised in a denomination that didn't believe in healing or praying in tongues. Whenever I saw people fall down while getting prayed for, I always thought, "I hope that never happens to me!" But when it happened, He was so gentle with me. I had been fighting sinus problems all winter long, as well as ear infections, and it affected my hearing. There was pressure across my cheek, but after that experience, that is all healed! I want to say thank you so much for the broadcast on the Victory Channel! I don't have a church right now, and it is really nice. It has helped me so much.