Dufresne Ministries

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Bone-On-Bone Condition Completely Healed!

Hope D. from KY

I received healing for my bone-on-bone knee condition. About two months ago, I experienced immediate relief at another meeting. However, no one prayed for me. A minister just told me to receive healing for myself. At that time, I was wearing knee braces and had already purchased a walker. About two weeks into my healing, I started having pain again, but I stood firm against it!! Amazingly, that morning Nancy Dufresne popped up on my Facebook. Nancy, I don't know anybody that knows you, and I never knew anything about your ministry. However, I listened to your message, and you said, "Don't let symptoms steal your healing." I was so excited, because I was just getting reinforcement and encouragement to stand firm. That was about three months ago, and I have stopped wearing braces for my knee pain and have no medication or pain. My knees have been restored. If the pain reappears, I can hear you saying, "Don't let your symptoms steal your healing." Tonight I was dancing up and down the aisles praising and worshipping with absolutely no pain at all. How did you end up on my Facebook? It was the grace of God, and I have my life back.