"God Funds The Plan" by Nancy Dufresne

  In 2014, God told me He was going to give me Aimee Semple McPherson’s vacation home that she finished building in 1929, called “Aimee’s Castle.” Then in 2015, God worked miracles for me, and I purchased the home.

    When God began dealing with me about buying it, I knew that it would require all the money I had at the time to buy it, and then even more to renovate it.

    I asked God, “Is it wise to buy something that’s going to call for all of my money?”

    He said to me, “The money is for the plan!”

    I realized that it’s not about the MONEY – it’s about the PLAN!

    When I know something is the plan of God, that’s all I need to know to move ahead. I will pay whatever it costs to fulfill the plan, because I’m more interested in the plan being fulfilled than I am in saving money.

    Many have stepped back from God’s plan because their mindset is toward saving money instead of toward fulfilling the plan.

    Years ago, my husband and I took out a high-interest loan to build our church, then later refinanced, just to fulfill the plan!

    I won’t forfeit any of the plan just so I can keep any money I may have. The money is for the plan!

    Money is a tool, not a guide! We aren’t to be led by price – we are to be led by the Spirit. It’s not my call to save money – it’s my call to fulfill the plan. Don’t misunderstand me. I’m not talking about being wasteful, but whatever it costs to fulfill the plan is not a waste! I will not slow down on the plan just to save money.

    The supply we need for our lives is in the plan! When we move in line with God’s plan, that plan has God’s abundance attached to it. So, we receive all the supply and funding we will ever need when in the plan, for the plan of God is our wealthy place – it’s the fully-funded place! God’s plan is a magnet that draws to us all we will ever need!

    My husband and I traveled often and spent much money to be in Dad Hagin’s services, because he was a divine supply to our lives. It was God’s plan that we be in services with our spiritual father. When we were in his services, we would receive revelation, answers, correction, and help we needed in running our race. We received impartations for our lives and impartations that nourished the anointing and mantles on us. It was worth the money it cost!

    Don’t miss out on being in the meetings you know you should be in just to save money. We can’t afford to miss out on receiving impartations from a man of God just to save money. That will cost us too much! The money is for the plan, and it’s God’s plan that we receive impartations and help from those spiritual leaders He puts in our lives.

    When God tells me to travel to certain foreign countries, many times He speaks to me in a very strong way – I have divine visitations when I’m there. More than once, God has shown me about my future while in other countries. God honored the sacrifices I made to be there.

    The will of God and the plan of God for our lives are our priority, and we have to make sure that we don’t let money distort our thinking.

    God has a plan for your life, and that plan is abundantly supplied. Stay with the plan, and you’ll stay with the supply!