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Get inspired by real-life success stories, and see how the Word works when you give it action!
I called in to the Prayer Call Center a year and a half ago because my daughter was told at 16 weeks pregnant that she needed surgery to remove an ovarian cyst, and they were unsure of the baby making it. They ended up monitoring it throughout her pregnancy. The baby was born, but needed to have stomach surgery at 3-6 weeks old. God kept my daughter and the baby throughout this whole time. Baby Elias is a year and a half today and was recently dedicated at his church.
Annette Z., TX
About 3 months ago, one of my real estate clients shared with me that she was diagnosed with several blood clots. The doctors told her they were concerned the blood clots would travel within her body and she could die. I shared God's Word on healing with her and recommended she listen to the Healing Confessions video on YouTube at least 3 times a day. She watched this video multiple times a day and called me with her praise report. She went for a checkup and the doctors said all of her blood stats are normal and the blood clots are gone! The doctors are stunned at her full and quick recovery. Praise the Lord - Jesus is the Healer!
Nancy M., IL
I’m in attendance at the Mississauga JTH Crusades 2024, and Sunday morning I started having strong, sharp pain and cramping on my left side. I did not get hands laid on me, but I took what was mine (healing) for myself, thanking God for it despite what naturally was continuing. Rather than reacting and wondering why, I answered every pain with, “It’s good to be healed!” Praise God, because ALL THE PAIN is gone AND the cramping has COMPLETELY stopped!
Jessie J., CO
Praise report – Sister Jeannine prayed with me when I called in with excruciating pain through my abdomen. Within a few hours, the pain subsided. I am eternally grateful for this ministry, Pastor Nancy.
Dee Dee L., CA
We attended the 2024 Southwest Believers’ Convention in Fort Worth, and Nancy called for people who were dealing with pain due to metal rods in their body. My husband wanted me to go with him, and Nancy laid hands on him, and he said he felt electricity hit his spine and travel upwards. He said he felt like he just took one of his pain pills, and now he is pain free! Praise God! He is believing that his bulging and herniated discs in his neck are healed, too!
Roy & Grace S., TX
Thank you so much for your ministry. You said two or three things at the SWBC that have stuck in my heart and are really helping me stand on a firm foundation in a very shaky time in my life. I really appreciate you.
Wayne B., MO
The message I heard on “Turn your ‘NO’ into a ’YES’” really blessed me and my sister, in getting my sister an apartment near me. She wanted an apartment in Indiana, but her primary residence was in California. We found the perfect apartment in Indiana, and my sister did not qualify for the apartment, but I did. I asked the manager if I could co-sign for her. The manager said he would ask the owner. The owner said no, he didn’t like doing business like that. I hung up the phone and laid down still and quiet. Then that message came up in my spirit. I said, “Turn my ‘NO’ into a ’YES’!” I called the manager back and told him we would pay two months in advance. The manager said he would ask the owner again. The owner said he would leave it up to him if he wanted to lease to us. The manager said, “I’ll do it. No need to pay two months in advance. Come on over and fill paperwork out.” We got the apartment. Now, when my sister comes, she has a nice place to live as long as she wants. Praise God, all is well!!!
Rhonda T., IN
I attended my sister's church in 2016 (or early 2017) in Wichita, KS, and Nancy was the guest minister. It was when I was taking care of my mom with rapidly declining dementia. I came forward for an altar call, and I was healed from depression. I had many times tried to commit suicide before that time, and I know this healing saved me from taking further steps towards ending my life in many darker years after my mom passed. I was homeless for awhile, but with God's grace I have gone far past those days. However, I never fully accepted this healing until recently when I began watching Apostle Kathryn Kricks’ Revival Training videos. It became clear to me that I was believing the enemy’s lies that I was not healed and still suffering from depression. As I have been rejecting Satan's lies and walking closer with God in the past few months, lo and behold, the 2024 SW Believers' Convention appeared on my YouTube feed, and there was Nancy! I have never before watched Kenneth Copeland Ministries by the way, so this was even more astounding. I called my sister to ask her if I was correct in who ministered to me, and she confirmed that it was Nancy. I send this to encourage Nancy and her ministry for being a great vessel for God's will and helping those still in bondage, and to be encouraged that someone she touched 8 years ago wishes to thank her for her faithfulness and service, and to know that her works are all coming to fruition in God's perfect timing!
Kelly O., OR
My friends and roommates kept telling me how amazing Nancy Dufresne was, and I’m pretty true to my pastor, Brother Keith Moore. After quite some time, they convinced me to go to her conference at the Rock Church in April 2023! She called out for a person that needed healing in the waist area. I let it go at first, but she said it again, and I raised my hand because I had just received a report that I had a cyst in my left ovary. I had recently gone to the nurse practitioner who said my only option would probably be birth control or surgery. Birth control was not an option for me because of the hormonal destructiveness it has, and I did not want surgery, so I was believing God for my healing. I had been feeling pressure in that area for quite some time before the diagnosis. Nancy came down and laid hands on me. In addition, she gave me a word to ASK LARGER. I marked the time and went back and watched that many times. I started thanking God and praising Him that I was healed, and then I forgot about it. I received my report back that I was cyst free. As far as the “ask larger,” I am a missionary to Israel because He has opened incredible doors there and continues to do so! Thank you to Pastor Nancy Dufresne and her faithfulness to use the gifts and to continue to be bold. I was healed that day, and I cherish the words ASK LARGER. Believing BIGGER AND BIGGER!
Rachael C., OK
I fell off a ladder while trying to cut limbs off of my house’s power line that was damaged by Hurricane Beryl in Houston. I’ve been dragging my right foot around since then, but God healed me during Nancy’s meeting Tuesday morning at SWBC. I just started celebrating during her sermon, and the pain stopped!
Jesse H., TX
Our adult son was having a mental illness crisis; he even said unusual things. We called for prayer and agreed together. He responded to the prayer and was quiet and in his right mind. Thank you for being available. We know Jesus is the Healer.
Lovonia J., GA
I listened to the JTH broadcast, and it built my faith. I claimed my healing from the growing back of a melanoma which I had removed in 2022. I had a biopsy, and they could see brown staining and said it was the melanoma growing back. As the consultant had said he could not remove all the cancer, it was feasible to them that there were more cancer cells there. I declared my healing and would not succumb to doubt or reason. I was helped by your broadcast. Praise God, I have the printout of the result of the biopsy, and no more cancer or malignant cells are present! Thank you for your ministry. I’m now applying this to other areas in my life which need healing, including my marriage. Glory to God!
Pamela B., United Kingdom
While watching “How To Speed Up Your Manifestation” on Jesus the Healer, Rosemary heard Nancy Dufresne reference Kenneth E. Hagin. She knew the Word and the things that were shared, but she put to work what she heard and pulled out the Word and studied and rested, then did this again. She did this for several days. Since last December she has had extreme pain in her shoulder, but when she saw the program, put to work what she heard, and then heard a minister online call out healing in shoulders, she received her healing. Now that she saw how to apply the Word and saw that it works, she will apply this same thing for her finances!
Rosemary J., United Kingdom
Glory to God for connecting me to the healing grace evident in Pastor Nancy's ministry. I watched and listened keenly to her ministry at Faith Revival, laying hands on her image on the screen. I called my mother, who is suffering from a real kidney disease, but living in a different state, that same night and prayed with her, and the power of God touched her. Two days later, even her voice changed as she had gained strength and vitality. Praise the Lord.
Kutariju, K., Nigeria
I came to Campmeeting believing for healing from high blood pressure. I was in a healing line on the 5th of June and hands were laid on me. Upon returning home, I have checked my blood pressure over six times, and it’s been normal since then. I am healed from high blood pressure. Praise God!
Sunbo L., Canada