Dufresne Ministries

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"Faith & The Impossible" by Nancy Dufresne

We can only move with God by faith, so to advance spiritually, we must continue to feed our faith. If our faith isn’t growing, our spiritual life isn’t developing.

     In Hebrews 11, speaking of the heroes of faith, we see the phrases “by faith, through faith, and in faith” recorded 20 times. These faith heroes moved with God by faith.

     God majors on faith. God’s Word majors on faith, therefore, we should major on faith. 

     In Mark 4:24 Jesus stated, “…Be careful what you are hearing. The measure [of thought and study] you give [to the truth you hear] will be the measure [of virtue and knowledge] that comes back to you—and more [besides] will be given to you who hear” (AMPC).

     How much we give ourselves to feeding on the Word will affect the measure of power we walk in. So, be careful of what you feed on. Feed on materials that feed your faith and accelerate your spiritual advancement.

     2023 is a year of “Flourishing Faith.” That’s not simply a confession, but a directive to us. God’s Word is food for our spirits – it’s faith food. We are to feed on God’s Word, meditate on it, speak it, and act on our faith as our lifestyle. 

     Jesus stated, “…the kingdom of heaven suffereth violence, and the violent TAKE IT by force” – by the force of faith” (Matt. 11:12). This verse tells us what this violence does – it takes it! It takes all that Heaven has provided for us and refuses to be denied! We are to be so full of faith that our faith becomes violent!

     Faith brings us into the impossible. Faith is the only way to enter the impossible. The impossible is off limits to the natural man, for the impossible is reserved for faith. The only way to fulfill the impossible is by faith.

     Faith is to be a part of every fiber of our being, for then it will color everything – the way we think, speak, and act. If someone dyes a piece of cloth, that dye cannot be separated from it – it becomes part of the fiber of that cloth.

     Faith in God’s Word is to be in the fiber of our being so that it is not separated from our life. For the rest of our life, we are to fortify faith into the fibers of our life.

     God’s will for our lives can only be carried out by faith. So great is God’s plan that only faith can fulfill it. It can only be carried out by faith because it’s impossible. But because it is impossible, faith can have it. Everything that flows from Him is impossible for the natural man – but it’s completely possible for faith.

     We cheat our life if we stay with our plan because then we will only live in the flow of possibility. Our heart will feel cheated because our heart was created in the image of God, Who is always and only in the flow of the impossible.

     If we’re going to measure what God says to us by our natural understanding, we’ll talk ourselves out of it – we will step back from it. Human reasoning cannot have the impossible, for it’s reserved for faith. Human reasoning makes it off limits.

     We are to live our lives in the impossible because that’s the miracle flow. That’s the divine flow. That’s the God flow. That’s the Holy Ghost flow.

     The Holy Ghost is not leading us to the possible. He’s leading us in the impossible every day. But if we’ll live and walk by faith, God will do the impossible in every single arena of our life.

     As Dr. Lester Sumrall often told us, “Feed your faith and starve your doubts!”