“Flying High! Falcon 50 Airplane Testimony” by Nancy Dufresne
For the month of October, I wanted to share with you the testimony of the Falcon 50 airplane this ministry just received!
Just last month, on September 21, I received a phone call from Carolyn Savelle. She began the conversation by saying that she understood that we were believing for a Falcon 50 airplane. I told her that we were. Though there are many wonderful airplanes on the market, it just seemed right in my spirit that we were to believe God for a Falcon.
She then stated, “Nancy, we want to sow our Falcon 50 to your ministry!”
Oh, I was rejoicing! It’s not every day that you get a phone call like that!
When Carolyn Savelle called that day and told me that she was sowing their Falcon 50 to us, she asked to keep it confidential until some of the business details involving the airplane could be addressed, and I was glad to honor her request. So, it’s only been a short time that we have been able to announce it.
There is a history that the Dufresnes have with Jerry Savelle Ministries. The day I got born again in my car in 1980 at the age of 19, I went to hear a preacher that night – it was Jerry Savelle. He preached on, “The Just Shall Live By Faith.” I still have those sermon notes.
Before my husband and I met, he used to do meetings with Jerry Savelle, Buddy Harrison, and Happy Caldwell. They were close friends. Lester Sumrall used to call them “The Four Horsemen.” It was during one of those meetings in 1984 that Jerry Savelle sowed his Citation 421 airplane to my husband. And now God has again used Jerry Savelle Ministries in this way – to sow their Falcon 50 to this ministry. I’m so grateful for their generosity and obedience to give.
My husband and his pilot went home to be with Lord when our plane went down in October 2013. I decided then that I would believe God to restore an airplane to our ministry. I would not be pushed out of owning our own ministry airplane due to this tragedy.
When I first started talking to God about it 11 years ago, the Spirit of God bore witness with my spirit that He was going to give us an airplane – that we wouldn’t have to purchase one. God didn’t speak to me in some dramatic way about it, I just had the inner witness that God was going to give us an airplane.
One thing I have learned about God is that when He restores, it is better than the original! When man creates a plan, his Plan A is the best he can come up with, and if he has to create Plan B, then it’s not as good. But not with God! Every plan of His gets better! The New Testament is called “a BETTER covenant” than the Old Testament (Heb. 8:6).
We were grateful to have the previous airplanes we had, but I trusted that when God restored an airplane to this ministry, it would be BETTER than any other airplane we have ever had – and it is!
During the 11 years that we were believing God for an airplane, several different ministers confirmed by the Spirit that there was one on the way to us – and we believed it!
Coming into 2024, God spoke to me and said that the airplane would arrive this year – and it did!
I know that when God gave us this Falcon 50, it also came with a supply! Everything we need to own, operate, and fly it is already prepared and waiting for our faith to receive it.
It’s the same for you! Everything that God has planned and provided for you has a full supply. Your family, your business, your home, your vehicles – they come with a supply! No struggle or worries – just supply!
Over the past several years, many minister friends, congregation members, partners, and friends have believed God with us, and I am so appreciative of that.
I am ever grateful to you, our partners and ministry friends, for sowing your love, prayers, and finances to this ministry. And I’m so glad to say – “Look what the Lord has done!”