“Divine Health – Living In God’s Best” by Nancy Dufresne
In one of Kenneth E. Hagin’s sermons, he told of an experience when Jesus appeared to him in a vision. During the course of that vision, Jesus stated the following: “It’s My will that none of My children ever be sick, be operated on, or have accidents. But very few ever walk in My best, because most don’t know what belongs to them. Then even if they do know what belongs to them, they are not strong enough in faith to receive it, or they are in disobedience.”
Notice that there are 3 things that are God’s will (God’s best) for all of His children. First, never be sick. Second, never be operated on. And third, never have accidents.
Jesus then stated three things that are causes, keeping God’s children from experiencing His best. Number one, they don’t know what belongs to them. Number two, even if they do know what belongs to them, they aren’t strong enough in faith to receive it. Number three, they are in disobedience.
But the good news is that all three of these causes are completely fixable! We can correct ourselves in these things and put an end to sickness, operations, and accidents in our life. Even if we have experienced them in the past, there can be an end to these in our life.
We need to set our faith to experience His best in our life – no sickness, no operations, no accidents! This is God’s will, and it’s His best for His children!
We must recognize that under the New Covenant, as well as under the Old Covenant, healing is conditional! No, we don’t earn healing, but the terms of the covenant have to be met and obeyed.
The first cause of why God’s people don’t walk in His best is because they don’t know what belongs to them. Well, that can be remedied by feeding on the Word to find out what belongs to them in Christ.
The second cause, which is people’s faith not being strong enough to receive healing, can be remedied by continuing to feed on the Word and renewing the mind to take on God’s way of thinking, speaking, and acting on the Word – being a doer of God’s Word in everyday life, exercising faith daily.
The third cause, disobedience, can be remedied by coming into agreement with God’s Word and with God’s plan for our life.
In Deuteronomy 28, there are 68 verses. The first 13 verses are used to describe the blessings of obedience, but there are 54 verses describing the devastation of disobedience. Disobedience ought to be something we never toy with, for its effects are so far reaching.
On one occasion, Brother Hagin made the statement, “If you will get your spirit where it ought to be, your body will start responding.”
When something is out of order in our spiritual life, it can show up in our body.
A testimony my husband would tell from his own life demonstrates this so well. When he was in his late 50s, he was diagnosed with cancer. When Ed heard the doctor’s report, he said to God, “God, You don’t miss it. I’ve missed it somewhere. Where did I miss it?”
God spoke back, “Two things. First, you haven’t rested your body. I have dealt with you for years about resting, and you would do better for a short time, then you would go back to your old habit of not resting properly, so you’ve worn your body down. Second, you have not obeyed Me in the prophet’s office. I would tell you to say something, addressing an issue in the Body of Christ, and you wouldn’t say it.”
Ed replied, “Alright, I repent of those things. I will obey You.”
God answered, “Okay, within 30 days all the cancer will be gone.”
Ed went back to the doctor on day 28, and the doctor said, “Someone up there likes you, because there is no more cancer.”
That illustrates the statement Brother Hagin made, “When you get your spiritual life in order, your body will start responding.” When my husband repented and made inward corrections, putting his spiritual life in order by agreeing with and obeying God, his body responded.
My husband could have just started throwing confessions of healing scriptures at his physical condition, but it would not have addressed his need. His need was to make a correction in his spirit, getting it in order by walking in obedience to what God had been dealing with him about.
The confession of healing scriptures is good and right, but it won’t substitute for obeying God. When we get out of the will of God, failing to obey Him, our spiritual life gets out of order, and our body can get out of order. Disobedience gets our spiritual life out of order.
When Isaiah was sent by God to tell King Hezekiah, “Set your house in order, for you will surely die,” God wasn’t sentencing King Hezekiah to death. He was letting him know that the direction he was going would end him up in death.
When Isaiah left the king’s chamber, King Hezekiah didn’t set his natural house in order – he set his spiritual house in order. And when he did, God added 15 more years to his life (2 Kings 20). When he set his spirit right, his body started responding.
James 5:14-16 reads, “Is any sick among you? let him call for the elders of the church; and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord: And the prayer of faith shall save the sick, and the Lord shall raise him up; and if he have committed sins, they shall be forgiven him. Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed.”
This shows that sometimes something has to be adjusted spiritually first in order for health to come, for our spiritual condition is connected to our health.
When needing healing, many just start throwing healing scriptures at their situation, but you should first turn toward your spirit and see if anything needs addressing there. Look to your spirit to know what God is dealing with you about. Any area that’s out of tune with God and His Word robs us from receiving from God.
What’s God been dealing with you about? Pay attention to that – tend to that.
God is always dealing with us about something because the spiritual maturing process is on-going. God always has more for us, so He’s always dealing with us about something so He can promote us into more.
God’s will and His best for His children is no sickness, no operations, and no accidents. Let’s set our faith for that from this day forward.
God offers us His best – let’s take it!