Foot Injury Healed!
S.O. from Jacksonville, NC
I just wanted to reach out and let you know that I was watching the Victory Channel and saw your program…you were in a green velvet dress, I think…anyway, at the end you started calling out different things that God was healing, and you called out an injured foot. You said, "It’s like you stepped on something," and it was 100 percent me and 100 percent accurate. Immediately I lifted my hands and received my healing. I had stepped on an oyster over the weekend, and it cut my foot open, and I couldn’t even walk on it. As you prayed, I received, and then you said, "Do what you couldn’t do before." I immediately started putting pressure on the foot and walking. IT IS HEALED, thank You, Jesus!!! Thank you for your obedience and for your ministry! Love y’all! God is so good! Thank you!!