Healing In The Neck

I was listening to Pastor Nancy online about four months prior to the Fredonia meetings, and she said that she had a special anointing of healing for hearts and for people with metal in their body. The Holy Spirit quickened my spirit, and I knew that I was healed and that I would receive the full manifestation of my healing during the Fredonia meetings. I immediately claimed my healing and proclaimed my healing. My symptoms were still present, but I knew I was healed. I had angina and coronary artery disease. My left ventricle artery would go into spasms and close off the flow of blood. I was told that I could go into sudden death. I was on numerous heart meds, and the symptoms were increasing in intensity. My cardiologist kept increasing the strength of the meds, but I felt worse. I had reconstructive surgery on my C2-C4 spine with a bone fusion and a cradle, rod, and screws inserted to stabilize my neck. I had chronic pain, neck spasms, nerve pain, and weakness in my upper extremities after surgery. My neurosurgeon said I had a pinched nerve and inflammatory disease and that I would have to live with it. I stopped taking the meds and muscle relaxers and took authority over my condition in the Name of Jesus. My healing did not come all at once. During the second night of the services, Pastor Nancy said that there was someone with neck stiffness who was unable to move their neck and that God was loosening the neck and to move it. I started to turn my neck, and I heard a loud popping sound, and I could move my head to the right and left. I was unable to move my neck prior to that. During the last night, Pastor Nancy called for heart problems, and I went up to have hands laid on me. I knew my heart was healed. She called for people with metal, and I knew the Holy Spirit wanted me to go up again for a double anointing. I was the last one in line, and Pastor Nancy laid hands on me and pulled my head to her shoulders. She asked if I felt the anointing go into me, and I said yes! Praise the Lord. Healed and full. Glory to God.


Neck, Shoulder, Hands & Back Healed


Healing In The Jaw