Dufresne Ministries

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"Joy – The Flow of Heaven" by Nancy Dufresne

Romans 14:17 reads, “For the kingdom of God is not meat and drink; but righteousness, and peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost.” The flow of the Holy Ghost is a flow of righteousness, peace, and joy – this is the flow that God is manifesting Himself in. God’s not moving and manifesting in a troubled flow of worry, fear, doubt, and confusion.

     No matter how much we pray in the Holy Ghost, if we’re not in peace and joy, we’re out of the flow of the Holy Ghost, for righteousness, peace, and joy is the flow of the Holy Ghost. That’s the flow God is moving and working in.

     Jesus stated in Luke 17:21, “…the kingdom of God is within you.” Righteousness, peace, and joy is the flow of the Kingdom of God that is within us now! Because it’s IN you NOW, you can yield to the flow of that Kingdom anytime you want – as much as you want!

     Circumstances don’t always offer us peace and joy – no problem! YOU BROUGHT YOUR OWN! It’s IN you! Yes, opposing circumstances come, but those circumstances can never eliminate the flow of the Kingdom that is within us to draw on anytime we need it! We don’t wait for circumstances to offer us joy – we brought our own! Now it’s up to us to yield to that joy flow within by rejoicing!

     Righteousness, peace, and joy is the flow that Heaven is enjoying right now, and that’s the same flow that He made ours while we are living on the earth. That’s the flow that is in us right now, and we can draw on it and yield to it anytime we want! We can get so full of Heaven’s flow and so skillful at yielding to that flow that Heaven’s flow permeates our lives and our homes! We can live there before we go there! We are to become skillful at tapping into and drawing out of Heaven’s flow that’s within.

     When my husband died, that was not a joyful or peaceful EVENT, but the FLOW of joy and peace was not withdrawn from me because of the event. That event could not take my choice from me – I could still choose the peace and joy flow of Heaven for my life – and I did!

     Nehemiah 8:10 tells us, “…the joy of the Lord is your strength.” Joy is a conductor of God’s strength – it transmits God’s strength. 

     As we rejoice over the healing power that Jesus provided, the strength of healing flows into our bodies. As we rejoice over the prosperity that Jesus made ours, the strength of prosperity flows into our finances. As we rejoice, power flows! And it flows to every arena of life as we rejoice in God’s supply for that arena – business, family, children, health, and finances. The power flows as long as we rejoice.

     When we run with joy, the race refreshes us instead of tiring us. HOW we run matters! We are to run joyfully! If we let go of our joy, we let go of our strength. Rejoice and get refreshed! We’re always running with some companion – it might as well be the companion of joy! What a joyous race! What a joy to run the divine race God authored for us!

     Rejoicing opens the door to the power of God. In the past, when faced with great opposition, I would rejoice before God. While rejoicing, God said to me, “In the rejoicing, power flows!” While we rejoice, power is flowing. If we stop rejoicing, the power stops flowing. While you’re rejoicing, what you need starts moving toward you.

     There’s nothing you can’t praise your way out of. As Jerry Savelle preaches, “If the devil can’t get your joy, he can’t get your goods!”

     Peace, joy, and rejoicing is the atmosphere of Heaven – there’s no one troubled or sad in Heaven. When we rejoice, we are choosing to enter into the same flow as Heaven’s atmosphere. When we rejoice, Heaven will get involved, for that’s the atmosphere of Heaven – the joy atmosphere. When we choose to rejoice, we are choosing our atmosphere – Heaven’s atmosphere. That’s how we can live there before we go there – by rejoicing.

     James 1:2 instructs us, “My brethren, count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations." Things may be “out of place” in your life, but joy better not be out of place! It's the joy that will keep the test from getting in you. We can laugh and rejoice when faced with opposition because we KNOW something we don't yet see or feel – victory is ours! Those who don't know, don't laugh – but those who KNOW, laugh!

     The exit road out of every test is paved with joy, and until we get in the joy flow and rejoice, we’re not yet on the exit road. Rejoicing is how I exited the greatest seasons of tests and trials of my life. Rejoicing brought His strength on the scene. Rejoicing brought God into view. Rejoicing held my attention on God and off the test. Rejoicing drew me out of the mental arena and into the faith arena – to my spirit. Rejoicing got my faith moving, and when faith was moving, I received my help. Joy is the faith flow. If we’re not in joy, we’re not in faith – no matter how many scriptures we’re confessing.

     Isaiah 55:12 tells us, “…ye shall GO OUT with joy and be led forth with peace….” Now when tests show up, I START REJOICING – and the test can’t even GET IN!

     When you’re skillful with joy, tests come, but they don’t get in you. The joy flow can be so strong in you that the test can’t get in. Yes, the test may be there, but joy won’t let it in! Joy is the bouncer at the door forbidding entrance to the test!

     Job 5:22 instructs us, “At destruction and famine, thou shalt laugh” – I will joy! Sick people are authorized to laugh – laugh at what threatens destruction. Those who are depressed are authorized to laugh! The Word tells us to put on the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness (depression). Those who may be facing financial difficulties are authorized to laugh, for you know God is your Provider. No matter what the test may be, you are authorized to laugh – rejoice in the face of it. That brings God’s power and strength on the scene!

     When struck with a test, many go to prayer when they need to go to rejoicing. There’s nothing you can’t praise your way out of! 

     Circumstances won’t always offer you joy. Become skillful at stirring up the joy within and draw it out. You do that by rejoicing! You don’t need to pray for God to give you joy – He already did! It’s in you! And it’s up to you how much joy you choose to draw out, for the Kingdom of God is within you – righteousness, peace, and joy are in you – Heaven’s flow is in you. Enter into that flow and live days of Heaven on the earth!